100 Good Wishes Quilt for Ayden

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

More Wishes

This fabric and wish is from Jen, Matt and Owen from Owen and Mei. They wish "a life filled with love and happiness". The fabric is very special, as it will be used in a quilt made for Mei! Thank you Jen - it means so much to me!

I love this fabric! It is so cute. It is from Sara and Brian from The Lane's Red Thread Journey. They wish Ayden "eternal love and happiness in your forever home". Very sweet! Thank you Sara and Brian!

A Wish From Kansas

This wish was sent from Gary, Sophie and Zia, who live in Kansas - home of the Kansas Sunflower. They are with my agency DTC group. Their wish is for Ayden to grow and prosper in whatever she chooses to do in life. The fabric is so sunny and cheerful -- so sweet of you!

Wish No. Six

This wish is from New Jersey. Sheryl from Lia Brynn wishes Ayden love, joy, hope and peace. The fabric is so cute. Many thanks!!

Sea of Endless Wishes

Stephanie and Steve are from Florida. They are in my agency DTC group. I love how Stephanie tied her love of the ocean to the fabric and her wish. Her "Sea of Endless Wishes" is beautiful. It brought tears to my eyes. Thank you!

Good Fortune Wish

This wish is from The Heestands, who live in Oregon. They are in the January DTC group. The fortune cookie fabric is so cute! They wish Ayden love, luck, happiness and good fortune. The fortune cookie represents how blessed Ayden is to have a Chinese heritage. The English words represent Victoria's wish for her life as an American. Thank you so much for sending it!

A Wish From Illinois

This wish is sent from Heather in Illinois. She is in my January DTC group. Her wish is a beautiful Cherokee Native American blessing. Part of the wish states "May you, all the days of your life, walk gently through the world and know it's beauty." The fabric is so bright and cheerful! Thank you!

Monday, February 13, 2006

Another wish...

We received another wish today from Tennessee. Peggy and Bob are in our agency DTC group. Part of their wish for Ayden is for her "life to be filled with happy smiles, little girl giggles, laughter and fun". I love that! The fabric is cute, too. Thank you so much Peggy and Bob!

Saturday, February 11, 2006

First Wish

Ayden received her first wish today. Mary of Bringing Home Emily sent this beautiful wish and fabric. Mary and her family wishes Ayden love, joy, hope and peace. Thank you Mary - it is perfect!

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

100 Good Wishes Quilt

There is a tradition in the northern part of China to make a Bai Jia Bei, or 100 Good Wishes Quilt, to welcome and celebrate life. It is custom to invite family and friends to contribute a square of cloth along with a good wish for the baby. The quilt is said to contain the luck, energy and good wishes from everyone who contributed a piece of fabric. The quilt becomes an heirloom and is passed from generation to generation.

If you wish to participate, select a machine washable, 100% cotton fabric. The fabric can be new or "used and meaningful". Please pre-wash the fabric so it will not shrink or bleed when the quilt is laundered. Cut on 7"x7" square of fabric. In addition, glue a small patch of fabric on a 4"x6" or 5"x7" paper or cardstock with your good wish for Ayden. Your wish can be simple or elaborate - of your own words and thoughts, a favorite poem or quote. Please remember to sign your wish and include your address.

The good wishes with the small patches of fabric will for into a scrapbook. When Ayden is older, she will be able to match up the wishes and fabric to her quilt. The quilt will also give Ayden some history. She will know that while she was in a Chinese orphanage, many people thought of her.

If you would like to contribute and be a part of Ayden's quilt, please email me. I will send you our mailing address. Thank you so much for helping us make this gift for our daughter possible. Your kindness and generosity means so much to us.

If you are making a quilt for your child, let me know. I would love to contribute!